Case Studies

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Case study for the modernization of several existing Microsoft .Net custom developed solutions to a modern cloud platform

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Oil & gas


Microsoft Azure cloud migration

Business Challenge

Total required the modernization of several existing Microsoft .Net custom developed solutions to a modern cloud platform. The migration needed to achieve the following high level objectives:

  • Reduce the cost of hosting the applications
  • Better infrastructure security
  • Improved disaster recovery for applications and databases
  • Higher application uptime and faster user response times across the applications

The DVT Solution

As a Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform partner, DVT migrated all four custom developed systems (Dealer Communication, Total Card, Dealer Classification & Total SOC) to the Microsoft Azure cloud.

Value Benefits

  • Reduced hosting costs means that a bigger portion of the monthly system budget can be utilized to implement additional business requirements.
  • Flexibility. Utilizing the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, the system can scale to automatically accommodate an increase in user base, database size and processing requirements, without purchasing additional hardware.
  • Improved responsiveness. The applications are now more responsive with 98.8% of requests returning in less than 250ms
  • Deeper usage insights. Total is now able to track user base information like country of origin, browser information, peak time of day usage statistics and many more.
  • Security and recovery improvements. SQL Threat Detection detects anomalous activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases. The Azure cloud platform, provides improved security and disaster recovery that was expensive to achieve in a managed hosting solution.
  • Improved data protection. By using SQL Encryption, the databases are now encrypted by default and no additional cost.
  • The extensive monitoring services available on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform meant better monitoring of system uptime, earlier detection of system problems and faster resolution of system outages.


Many Microsoft Azure based technologies and components were utilised:

  • Application Insights – System health and application status monitoring
  • Azure SQL – Managed SQL database platform(PaaS)
  • Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Virtual machines, networking/firewalls , managed VM disks
  • Blob Storage - Highly scalable and cost-effective storage
  • Recovery Services Vault - Virtual machine backups and instant recovery
  • Virtual Network Gateway – Securely VPN into Virtual Machines private network. VM is locked down with no RDP ports open to the internet for enhanced security

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